Friday 14 November 2014

Websleuths First Amended Counter Petition

Please download and read the following document ..

Websleuths First Amended Counter Petition

It's a MUST READ! This part is particularly enlightening  ..

If that wasn't interesting enough for today, then we had these two motions:

Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Compel

Exhibit A

Don't skip the emails in Exhibit A, here is just a taste ..

"That's fine the good news is she has a lawyer and I bet the lawyer knows she isn't going to be able to afford a long legal battle. Hopefully the lawyer will tell her to settle if not but for the lawyers own interest!"
"I'm going to be working on this like a maniac the next few weeks. God willing, nothing else will come up.
Oh, I also told Ciro he's going to have to hit her hard during the depo. That is the only thing that will scare her enough to go away. But she has money now. Ciro said she's already paid for trial time. Where the hell she got it, I don't know. Did Zoomama die or something? My guess is she finally sold that property in Utah that she and her brother owned out of the trust. 
Why, just why does everything seem to work in her favor? I'm damn sick of it."

"So, while Tricia has rights as a 50% owner, the only thing we can do is keep holding her feet to the fire on our TOS and Rules. She can't re-write them, nor should she violate them."
I swear it reads like Sue is going to give Tricia a Time-Out or Ban her for having the audacity to fight this frivolous lawsuit.


  1. Oh I see some lies and some lies on a affidavit

  2. Nice: "But she has money now. Ciro said she's already paid for trial time. Where the hell she got it, I don't know. Did Zoomama die or something?"

    1. Yes. Very compassionate coming from the grieving widow, hey?
