Friday 7 November 2014

Mean Girl 101: How to write a motion

A new motion was filed today, which could very well have been written by 9th graders, now I'm not sure if that is exactly what happened, but let's break it down and take a look at it shall we?

Here is the motion to get you started. 

First up, right off the bat here .. CATCHY TITLE!! Doesn't that one just make your eyes pop out of your head .. Gambling you say? Oooh scandalous! Wow .. let's read on ..

First part is as boring as hell, a quick skim and it's just covering the same old blah, yes we get it .. LLC blah blah blah, Company blah blah blah .. let's get to the good stuff!

This bit has a bit of meat in it though .. ooh there's mention of the gambling .. let's see!

OK, so when people take money out of a bank account they SPEND IT, good to know. 

Right, I think we're getting somewhere now, oh so her attorney instructed Tricia not to answer that gambling question, that must mean she didn't want her to answer the question, HENCE THIS FILING! Gosh, golly, almighty, even if we can't get this shit in court, we can just file a motion and everyone will read it, and then they'll all know that maybe Tricia gambles and OMG then everyone will hate her and that would be AWESOME .. Hang on, I'm getting ahead of myself here, let's read on. 

Next bit is case law .. Nah, not interested, skipping again. 

OK so Tricia was allowed to withdraw $3000 per month, which had been conveniently left out previously in all other mean girl communications, so let's see what they'll do here .. OOOOOH they say Tricia took more than $3000 .. NICE SWITCH!! Keep this one in your back pocket at all times girls, if someone wins a point you can always shift a goal post!

Now it gets juicy: 

Join the club there!

So somehow HOW Tricia spends her money is key here, kind of like the Bluebird card huh, but let's not go there .. 

Wow folks read on, this is the bit where the mean girls tell Tricia and everyone else that all Tricia's friends said things about her too and they can PROVE IT .. This is a great mean girl move, cosy up to the targets friends and get them to tell you something private about her, act like you have a heart, and are concerned for her welfare, then find out whatever you can. 

Now they argue that it's relevant .. Oh of course it's relevant .. any dirt you can dig up on your target is always relevant .. keep the mud coming budding mean girls, do not let it ease up even for one day!

Now for the conclusion part where all mean girls know a little speech is required, make this good, bring God into it if you possibly can, and show that you are only trying to do the right thing and help other people, let's see how they handle this one ..

Oh this is GOOD mean girls .. this is GOOD!!! Oh nice .. OK what they have done here is taken right from the mean girl playbook, I couldn't have asked for more ... basically the argument is this: 

She admitted it!!! She admitted it, then she said she didn't have to talk about it anyway .. and now we're going to MAKE HER!

Well there you have it ladies, now the fact that none of this will be admissible in court is really not relevant, even if the judge just throws this nonsense right outa there, which he likely will, what matters is they got the story out .. they got to spread it, and that's the main thing! 

Mean girl 101. 


  1. YEP. Scandalous. Couldn't get it into the deposition because personal spending habits are irrelevant if you have not shown them to be. So by filing the motion to compel the unflattering and suggestive question gets to be made public, regardless of relevance or what the response would have been. Well played mean girls.

    While the short term goal of further smearing Tricia publicly has now been accomplished, I can't help but wonder how a judge is going to see all of this. It has been well over a year and a thorough perusal of all the court documents filed thus far, not one single bit of evidence or any swindling of members has been produced. Not one. Its been suggested, implied, alleged and yet never once substantiated with names or documentation. And now this piece de resistance of a Motion to Compel. A judge is going to laugh this garbage right out of court.

    This newest low only serves to cement the impression that the eventual court finding is secondary to the Plaintiff. First and foremost, the goal is to besmirch and trash. Truth and proof be damned.

    1. Thoroughly disgusted doesn't even begin to cover it. It's also incredibly short sighted. After reading the latest filings it appears all these sins will go before the judge and it will not go well for Ms Sue, these machinations will come back to bite her hard on the butt come trial time. How on earth could she not have the foresight to see that? You have to wonder too at moderators, who have spend years on the forum pulling apart cases, discussing with members what is right or wrong, yet here they were quick to jump to attack Tricia based on what .. innuendo and gossip from a woman with a huge vested interest. It would be laughable, if it hadn't been so personally painful for Tricia.

    2. The truly shocking thing in all this is that some of the ringleaders of this frenzy of bitchery are still mods at Websleuths, and the member who ran the bitching thread over at OTDOTR (TLCYA aka Cetan) has actually been promoted into a mod position!!! What the FUCK?
