Wednesday 12 November 2014

Sue Pruitt's full deposition

Read or download here > Sue Pruitt's full deposition

The first part of the deposition is about how Tricia has damaged the Websleuths LLC. It reads like 'Tricia is so bad because <insert TOS reasoning>'. Is Sue making an argument to get Tricia banned - or Former Membered - from Websleuths, because so far that is about the strongest argument Sue has made, and even then I think Tricia would scoot right on over to JQ to complain about an unfair banning situation!

Now that just set the tone for what follows, in my opinion.

To make this whole process a bit easier for those who don't want to read a 109 page deposition, I've pulled out some of what I thought were the best parts, so read on ..

From what I just read, there is very little 'beef' in this casserole. 

Sue decided to file suit because Cathy came to her complaining about having lent Tricia money, then she says Michael went to Cathy .. and that sounds like IT!! No other victims, not even after she put it out there .. some vague reference to someone who might know something about other people, and another vague reference to people who say they left because they were asked for money who nobody can identify and also didn’t make contact .. so really very little in that argument. 

Moving onto the claims of Tricia milking the accounts get quickly derailed by that pesky email agreement that said she could take $3k out / month including expenses. 

The rest is Sue complaining about the money habits surrounding the Websleuths bank account, but the fact that she did very little about that over the course of her time as a co-owner before filing leaves that argument a bit flat too. 

I don't really know what to think, other than the fact I think filing the lawsuit was extremely premature. 

Also, does anyone really believe that Raine just happened upon the document of the filing of the lawsuit on the Calling Mark Redwine page? Seems very convenient if you ask me. Clearly someone dropped it there to be found, to give the impression it had 'made it's way online'. It was later that night Raine was in Tricia's chat room during the BlogTalkRadio show sending it around via PM to the members in there, it's clear that Raine was pushed forth into this role, but she did not act alone, nor without sanction. There was a concerted effort to get the word out about the complaints in the filing to as many Websleuths members as possible, because without a fishing expedition to find more 'victims of Tricia' this lawsuit was dead in the water, and frankly it looks like it still is.

Guess we'll see what the court decides, but it should be interesting. 

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